Co-founders Francesca Violich Kennedy and Loic Gao sit next to one another in their studio in front of a bookshelf, smiling.
Francesca Violich Kennedy graduated with her B.A. magna cum laude in History & Literature from Harvard. She was a 2018 John Harvard Scholar, awarded to the top five percent of her class. She also spent a year mid-degree studying at Oxford University. She has over five years of admissions counseling and tutoring experience, and students she has worked with have gone on to top colleges including Harvard, Oxford, Princeton, and Dartmouth, as well as many prestigious boarding schools. However, she is most proud of her students when they are able to laugh with American friends, and excel in American culture, no matter which school they attend. Outside of work, she is a novelist and the recipient of a 2022 Hawthornden Prize at the castle estate of the Paris Review’s publisher Drue Heinz. 

Francesca Violich Kennedy 以极优等第(magna cum laude)毕业于哈佛大学历史和文学专业,并曾在牛津大学交换学习一年。她荣获2018年约翰哈佛学者称号,该称号仅授予每年级前5%的哈佛本科学生。Francesca 有超过五年的留学咨询经验,她长期辅导的学徒走入了哈佛,牛津、普林斯顿、达特茅斯,以及全美顶尖的寄宿高中。然而,无论他们能够进入哪所学校,她最骄傲的是他们能够融入国外的校园和社会文化,和来自世界各地的好友一起开怀大笑。在工作之余,她是一位小说家,曾在2022年获得《巴黎评论》出版人德鲁海因茨创立的赫尔松登奖,该奖项是英国最古老的文学奖之一。

Loic Gao attended a public school in Shanghai before moving to America to pursue his college education. A natural entrepreneur, he co-founded TechX (now X Academy) after high school, now one of China’s premier technology summer institutions with a yearly class size of over four hundred and a faculty base from world-renowned STEM institutions such as MIT and Microsoft. He studied Art History at Wesleyan University, focusing on Western contemporary art from 1880 to 1920. However, his happiest memories were getting to intimately integrate into Wesleyan’s diverse student body and all the many late nights he spent talking, connecting, and being human together. After graduation, he pivoted back into the world of business and technology, working as a management consultant in New York and San Francisco, serving global clients including Google, Amazon, and British OfCom. In his spare time, he’s helped over thirty international students find career success overseas in finance, tech, and consulting industries.

高胜寒 在赴美留学之前一路就读于上海的公立教育系统。他在高中毕业后即联合创立了TechX(现X Academy),现在已是每年400+高中生参与,由来自麻省理工、微软等科技机构的导师授课的中国顶级科技夏校,校友遍布斯坦福、加州理工、麻省理工、卡耐基梅隆等科技学府。他在卫斯里安大学的艺术史系潜心完成了本科学业,专注研究1880至1920年的西方当代艺术。然而,他最开心的回忆是与和自己背景迥异的同学们相识相交,在很多周末相对憩坐、彻夜不寐地长谈。他在毕业后回到商业和科技领域,在纽约和旧金山的战略咨询公司就职,服务客户包括谷歌、亚马逊、英国通讯管理局等。在工作之余,他帮助30+留学生入门海外职场文化,并最终找到心仪的金融/科技/咨询工作。

Francesca and Loic met in Beijing in 2019, and have since been friends in Boston, Paris, and most recently, New York. Their shared passion for education and the power of an integrated life abroad led them to open their own studio dedicated to leading with long-term mentorship the next generation of elite scholars and world leaders from China.

Francesca 和 高胜寒 于2019年在北京结下友谊,并从此在波士顿、巴黎、和纽约共同生活。他们对教育和培养国际公民的共同热情促使他们创办 Kennedy & Gao,致力于以长期思维来引领来自中国的下一代精英学者和世界领袖。